The American Red Cross has a long history of supporting military members, veterans and their families. Now, the Red Cross has launched a new, free Hero Care App to provide instant access to vital Red Cross services anywhere in the world. Whether you’re the parent of a child joining the military, a military member, spouse or a veteran, the app will guide you to valuable resources and services that can help alleviate stress and provide important information right at your fingertips. The Hero Care App highlights the extensive array of services the Red Cross has available for members of the military, veterans and their families.
•Some the important features of the app include:
o Request Red Cross emergency services including an emergency message or assistance with emergency travel or emergency financial aid.
o Securely and easily access information about their service member in the case of an emergency, including updated information as they move or change duty assignments.
o Access non-emergency Red Cross behavioral health assistance including financial assistance and free local workshops for military kids and spouses.
o Find local resources and information provided by trusted community partners like Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS), Blue Star Families, Military Child Education Coalition, United Way, Goodwill, Easter Seals, and others.
o Locate information on key government resources such as MilitaryOneSource, VA Benefits and Services, Department of Labor VETS, the VA Caregiver Support Program, and SAMSHA Community Health Support Services.

• Information in the app is available in both English and Spanish and a user can even use the app to share their own Red Cross stories and photos The Hero Care App is free of charge and available for both iOS and Android devices.
• To download to your smart phone or tablet, search for ‘American Red Cross’ in your app store, text GETHEROCARE to 90999 to receive a link to download the app or go to