Guest Blog
Post by Pamela Gandy – Public Relations Student at Texas Tech University.
I cannot remember a time before
I knew about the Red Cross. In 2010 when a catastrophic 7.0 magnitude
earthquake hit Haiti, I was in seventh grade. In the weeks following the
earthquake, my school held a fundraising competition between all the homeroom
classes. Students, teachers, and staff donated their money to try to provide some
relief for those affected (and to win bragging rights over the other
classes). I can remember watching the
news at school, seeing dozens of volunteers wearing the Red Cross logo as they
brought relief items to the people of Haiti.
years later, I am beginning an internship at the Texas South Plains Chapter of
the Red Cross. My perception of the organization has changed significantly
since seventh grade. In my brief time
with the nonprofit, I have learned that the Red Cross does far more than send
supplies to victims of natural disasters.
Texas Tech
in 1881, the Red Cross has a very long history. Even more impressively, the
South Plains chapter, located in Lubbock, has existed for 100 years. In 1917,
Lubbock was barely large enough to be considered a town. Lubbock’s pride and
joy, Texas Tech, did not even exist yet. The fact that the chapter, Lubbock,
and the surrounding towns of the Texas South plains, have grown so much in
those 100 years, is truly amazing.
Red Cross Reconnects Families
all the media coverage of volunteers working to help those affected by natural
disasters, emergency relief is only one component of what the Red Cross does. Much
of the work the Red Cross does will never be shown on CNN during primetime. I
was very surprised to learn that one of the services the Red Cross offers, was
reconnecting families separated by wars and extreme weather events. The Red
Cross works with people in Washington D.C. and all around the globe to help
bring families back together. People impacted by the recent hurricanes along
the Gulf Coast were able to be reconnected with their loved ones because of the
Red Cross.
nurses in white uniforms.

Red Cross is a network of people who are dedicated to the mission of preventing
and alleviating human suffering. In my short time with the nonprofit, I have
been so impressed by the volunteers who work to improve the lives of others.
Like most things, the Red Cross cannot be accurately represented or defined in
a 45 second television news story. It is an organization made up of many
components and countless volunteers. I look forward to spending more time with
the Red Cross, learning all that it has to offer.
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