By Kassidy Ketron, Intern
We can’t think of a better way to spend your favorite holiday — World
Red Cross/Red Crescent Day — than by supporting all the hard work our
volunteers do.
In the past year, your donations helped the American Red Cross respond
to about 70,000 disasters,
provided more than 29,000 overnight stays, and
provided more than 1.8 million meals and snacks.
1. When a
family on your neighborhood is woken up in the middle of the night by a fire
the American Red Cross will be there to help them. To do that, though, the
Red Cross needs your help.
Your monetary donations help us provide warm meals, clothes and every
day necessities that are lost in a fire. This means you are helping people in
your community when they need it the most. It’s not time consuming and very
easy, which is a great thing and you are able to offer support to someone who
has lost everything.
In 2013, the Red Cross responded to 52,000 home fires across the U.S.
and served 226,000 people in the process.
2. When a fire wreaks havoc on a home, the whole family is affected and
the smallest victims, the children, may find comfort in something soft and
cuddly to hold on to.
The Red Cross
has just the thing. By adopting Piper the Puppy, you can comfort a
child who has just experienced devastation by helping them to know you care and
are there to help. By adopting Piper the Puppy for $100, not only can bring a
smile to a child’s face, but your name is also written on the paw so they know
who cares.
3. The best
way to show your support, though, is by becoming a volunteer. Volunteering
doesn’t always mean responding to disasters in the middle of the night.
Volunteering can be anything from office work, writing blogs or organizing the
Not only is
volunteering a rewarding experience, but you are also helping people in your
community. What is a better way to support your local Red Cross by helping in
any way you can? Join our everyday heroes today!