Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Four Easy Ways You Can Be Humble on Be Humble Day

By Kassidy Ketron

In Honor of Be Humble Day that was on Saturday, we would like to show you a few easy ways you can be humble and give back to your community.

1. When a family on your neighborhood is woken up in the middle of the night by a fire the American 
Red Cross will be there to help them. To do that, though, the Red Cross needs your help.

Your monetary donations help us provide warm meals, clothes and every day necessities that are lost in a fire. This means you are helping people in your community when they need it the most. It’s not time consuming and very easy, which is a great thing and you are able to offer support to someone who has lost everything.

2. When a fire wreaks havoc on a home, the whole family is affected and the smallest victims, the children, may find comfort in something soft and cuddly to hold on to.

The American Red Cross has just the thing. By adopting Piper the Puppy, you can comfort a child who has just experienced devastation by helping them to know you care and are there to help. By adopting Piper the Puppy for $100, not only can bring a smile to a child’s face, but your name is also written on the paw so they know who cares.

3. Donating blood also is another great way to help people not only in your community, but across the country, as well. Up to one pint of blood can save three lives and what better gift than the gift of life? Donating blood is quick and a wonderful way to offer your support.

4. If you are interested in getting more involved with the American Red Cross, another great way to celebrate Be Humble Day is by signing up to participate in the South Plains Regional Chapter’s Strikes, Spares and Super Heroes: Red Cross Heroes Bowling for Relief event. It’s a great way to help provide support to those who could be affected by disaster at any moment. Your participation in this event will help provide those warm meals and necessities to someone who could be just down the street or across town.

Disaster are almost always unexpected, but with your donation, Piper the Puppy adoption, or blood donation, you can help the American Red Cross be as prepared as possible for when tragedy strikes.

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